Friday, May 19, 2006

Why are some people backward?

The present spate of protests against reservations for OBC's in educational institutions has its origins in the ignorance of this very basic reality.

Several reasons can be cited in response to the question, these may be

1. People belonging to OBCs have genes inferior to those of the people belonging to the upper castes.

2. People belonging to the OBCs are backward because they do not have adequate opportunities to get good basic education.

3. People belonging to the OBC's are backward because their parents are not interested in educating their children.

4. People belonging to OBC's are backward because their is no tradition for the education of the children belonging to these castes, therefore even when these children attend school, the teachers belonging to the UC's do not put in enough efforts because of the inherent biases in the society.

5. People belonging to the OBC's are bachward because the economic status of their parents was poor, hence during the formative years, that is from the time of birth to the age 6, much before they enter school, they do not receive the same inputs that a child of UC invariably receives.

A few minutes of thought, on these questions will lead to the crux of the problem and its just solution.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

The merit of present doctors?

From the TV newsreports, it appears that there are serious valid reasons to doubt the present medical education. The profession of a medical doctor is considered to a nobel one. A doctor is supposed to provide selfless service to the society.

But what are we witnessing these days, Medical students, who enjoy whole lot of privilages at the expense of the taxpayers money, are neglecting their duties not for a nobel cause, but just in solidarity with their siblings who may be aspiring to become doctors and mint money.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

The merit of reservations

What can be the merit of a policy that would reserve certain positions for people belonging to the disadvantaged section of our population?

Agreed that for some time, some institutions will not run as efficiently as they are, because there will be some inefficient people in them! But, isn't that so even when there are no reservations. Isn't it a common practice, to help in the recruitment of relatives and friends of the people of UC's in power?

But let us assume that the intensity of such inefficiency would increase as result of reservations. But look at its potential benefits! A larger genetic pool of population would be able to contribute to the country's development in the long run.

It is quite similar, why we should conserve biodiversity! One never knows, which kind of biological organisms may prove to be immensely useful tomorrow. Some people who are destined to the junk, may prove to be exceptional scientists, technologists, doctors or even administrators.